Spoolbase Case Study
Tailored spoolbase package
From bespoke builds to complete integration
The client required a tensioner for its new production facility in Vigra, Norway to handle Electrically Heat Traced Flowline (EHTF) and pipe-in-pipe operations. One of the key requirements of the system was the ability to move both tracks vertically in both directions to cater for varying product diameters and adjusting to the spoolbase firing line height. The client also required full system capacity in both ‘push’ and ‘pull’ directions to ensure reliability for the specified production activities and for deployment and retrieval operations from or onto different vessels in the client's fleet.

MDL Solution
With over 47-electrically driven systems built bespoke for this client in the past, MDL was a natural choice for this project. The in-house team designed, manufactured and commissioned the tensioner at its Peterhead facility, followed by supporting the installation of the system in Vigra and integration with other spoolbase equipment, including the cable spiralling machine. MDL was also responsible for the design, manufacture and testing of an integrated safety and communication system, consisting of 5 “traffic light” stations, controlling the safe operation and movement of the production line equipment.

After the successful integration of the new systems, MDL continued its support on the client's facility, by providing maintenance and upgrades, including software updates to achieve improved data logging and increased user access safety; provision of a CCTV system for live monitoring; side rollers for horizontal containment and guidance of the product into the tensioner tracks and a pipe brush solution for cleaning off any residual debris on the product. Following the upgrade, MDL expert personnel operated the tensioner during the pipe production activities.