FPSO Case Study
Riser Pull-in Winch Overhaul
Critical asset maintenance, without impacting production
A North Sea operator was looking to efficiently and safely extend the life of the equipment on-board their FPSO through maintenance and refurbishment works. One of them was a riser pull-in winch, requiring an overhaul following a period of no operation.
MDL Solution
Following the initial scope of work which originally only covered a survey of the winch, MDL performed a complete refurbishment of the unit in-situ, without taking it ashore. This included the winch strip down, service and re-assembly; function testing; winch wire re-spooling; as well as recertification of the Ex-rated HPU, including CompEx sign-off.
![MDL Bleo Holm winch](https://maritimedevelopments.com/media/projects/MDL-Bleo-Holm-winch.jpg)
MDL took care of the complete Project Management of the refurb, alongside the development of method statements, procedures; lift planning, commissioning, load testing and development of a 5-year maintenance and testing programme. Once the equipment was reinstated, MDL expert offshore crew operated the winch to perform the riser pull-in.
![MDL equipment operation](https://maritimedevelopments.com/media/projects/MDL-equipment-operation.jpg)