December 2019

A few thoughts for 2020

Another year draws to a close, and MDL CEO Derek Smith is feeling positive about what's around the corner...

Here we are, at the end of another year… It’s scary how much quicker time goes the older you get!

Although, I guess, there are instances when maybe we’d wish the time to move forward a bit, particularly when all we’ve been hearing these last few years was “Well, next year - that’s gonna be tough. But the year after we expect to see the market picking up for us!”…

I think we’re all immune to the hearsay by now - the only way to judge how good the next 12 months will be is to look into our own business and the enquiries that are coming in.

Where MDL is on this look ahead as we delve into our 21st year in business is actually a positive place - I really feel things are getting better, and I am looking forward to the new year.

Just now we have a few of our guys in Asia, working the last few days before Christmas to prep us for a substantial project at the start of Spring.

Also our Engineering and Marine Services teams are ramping up for an onshore project in February, ahead of a larger offshore campaign.

In the midst of all that we are preparing for Subsea Expo, which is our regular show - we are exhibiting for the 9th year running, and this time we will be sharing our experiences and learnings from some challenging projects. We will be presenting these in the form of case studies, right on our stand.

Our BD team will be sharing details of the topics and timings in the coming weeks - do join us if you’re in town!

But before I get all revved up for 2020, I am hoping to take a couple of days off during the festivities, to clear the head - at least in one sense.

I wish the One Team MDL, our clients and colleagues a very happy Christmas - and, indeed, a prosperous 2020.

Derek Smith, CEO